Garbage Juice Peanuts

A metric butt-load of content in this episode. Just in time for Halloween, the doctors talk about some of their least favorite candies. There’s another plug for Pyrex, crediting them for making such a solid, leakage-resistant container. Dr. Chris has his moral credibility questioned beneath the crushing inquisition of Dr. Josh and Dr. Tom. We learn about a new movie going straight to Hallmark directed by Ralph Macchio. Dr. Jacoby stops by to warn kids about brushing their teeth. Dr. Tom shares some more fart haikus. Dr. Josh presents an interesting treatise on a morally bankrupt movie entitled Hard Rock Zombies, and then shares some interesting news from across the world. All the while, the doctors can’t seem to stop talking about Hitler. Disturbing? You bet it is!

Ralph Macchio News.

Across Grace Alley – IMDB

News with Dr. Josh. Hitler REALLY wants to serve you tea!

German Store Accidentally Sells Romantic Hitler Tea Cup

Kettle that Looks Like Hitler Brews Trouble for JCPenney

“Theme for Harold (var. 3)” and other songs by
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

The post Garbage Juice Peanuts first appeared on Aural Malpractice.

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